
I wish I could sleep....

Yeah..im still up...its almost 4 in the morning, and i still cant sleep...so ill ramble on till i run outta words. Sometimes ya just cant fight it...lay there and try to sleep but so much is going on in my head...been thinking alot about my life and where im going from here...I need guidance...something i never really had...i want to be further ahead in life . I never really enjoyed school and im totally kicking myself now ...should have stayed and finished. Then maybe i would have a great job I can be proud of...but no..boys and partying was too much fun. . People ask me what intrests me...and i sit here and im lost...i love computers, photography, fashion, interior deign. Thats what i really like..but do I want to do that for the rest of my life...will I be happy doing that as a living ??yes..so why cant I do that...hmmmm...lazy...ill do it tomorrow...im a procrastinator. I need a kick in the ass. My dad once told me that i need to marry a guy and he will take care of me...Kept Woman..theres a thought...but then in reality..I would get bored doing nothing all day. Im not the type to be a kept woman. Im independant...I do my own thing. But this independant woman needs to get her shit together...So im gonna talk to my friend Tannis and ask her for help. Me ask for help...lol...shes one smart cookie that one. She got herself into law school and I think shes the one I need to talk to. So Tannis...if your reading..(help me). So im gonna leave it at that and go from there. Oh ya before I forget...thanks for the cool Valentines Day gift...so sweet. Im glad your my friend. not for the cool things you give me...but for being you.

My nite at work was a good one...made good tips tonite for a Thursday. . need some spending money for my trip...going to Mexico Feb23-March 2. Cant wait ..I need a break from reality. So much is going on...trying to be a good friend to everyone...but i forget about myself. Laying on the beach will be what I need. Just relax...meet people...let loose. Maybe I might meet my Mr. Right and fall in love. Who knows...

So this blog is kinda a way to vent and get shit off my mind. The most important thing to me is happiness. Smiling and livin life to the fullest. So as it stands now...im gonna get my shit together and be someone my mom would be proud of. If she saw me now she would probably kick me in the ass. Miss her so much. When people talk about how much they hate there parents I sit back and think..your lucky to have them. And maybe you should show some respect. But hey thats just me.

Hmm...what else can i say...my ass is asleep...lol.

Take me as I am...thats that!

Still Smilin'....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, I definitely will give you the required kick in the ass, and help you too. They kind of go hand in hand.You need not try and be a good frined to everyone- do what you gotta do and let the chips fall where they may. i am to special ed to take YOUR good advice in the department where I need it most- you know what I'm talking about.Frogs.Toads.Amphibians.
If all else fails- ther is millionaire club.com, you can be a rich kept woman and then you wont be bored. We can go to the spa and travel and shit. Love ya